Brand Resources


 Logo Files

Our logo is available in many file types for different uses. You can download those different file types here:



Using this file when building a presentation will help keep our communications consistent. Remember to keep fonts, colors, and margins consistent with the source file.



We have an extensive color palette and using these colors can help keep communications consistent. The HEX codes are for digital use and the CMYK codes are for print use.


HEX: f47920
CMYK: 0, 65, 100, 0


HEX: #24408f
CMYK: 99, 89, 10, 1


HEX: #ffd53f
CMYK: 1, 15, 85, 0


HEX: #4c4d4f
CMYK: 67, 58, 55, 36


HEX: #b0bc25
CMYK: 36, 13, 100, 0


HEX: #92459a
CMYK: 49, 87, 0, 0



If you are creating a communication from scratch, it is best to use the fonts outlined here for consistency.


Verdana is the system font for our brand. That means if you are creating something that will load fonts on someone elses maching (email, Powerpoint, etc.) it should be in Verdana. This is the default font if you are not able to control the font selection a program will make or you do not have access to other fonts. This font will already be available on your computer because operating systems use this font to run.

If you are unsure about downloading and activating fonts, use Verdana.


APHont™ (pronounced Ay’-font), was developed by APH specifically for low vision readers. APHont embodies characteristics that have been shown to enhance reading speed, comprehension, and comfort for large print users.

This font should be used for body copy.


Futura should only be use for headings and subheadings. It should not be used for body copy because it lacks the readability of APHont.


Background Images

These images have been edited to be used as backgrounds. Make sure you use a high contrast font when placing copy over the images. If you would like the source Photoshop file to create a new background image that looks like these, you can download that file here.


Stock Images

These images are available for use without additional licensing costs.